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Wired interviews comedian Tom Segura about using Proto

In the feature, “Tom Segura Answeres the Web’s Most Asksed Questions,” the comedian talks about how he beamed in via Proto from Austin to the Bert Kriescher’s roast put on by Whitney Cummings which tried on Only Fans TV”  “I was absolutely mesmerized by this. Whitney Cummings is great comic and a producer and she put together a roast of my buddy Bert Kreischer and I couldn’t make it and she was like, Oh, I’ll just send a crew to your studio and you can do your set on this latest and greatest hologram. I thought it was going to look like, oh, like sort of a rough image, like what you imagine a hologram was kind of from 20 years ago. Dude, it looks like I am standing in the room. It is actually terrifying.”